Course Description

*This selection is for the Final Exam only. Access to the book, Spouse Abuse: Assessing & Treating Battered Women, Batterers, & Their Children (Second Edition), is required to complete the exam. If you already have access to the book, click the "Buy" button above to continue. To purchase the complete Online Course, which includes a PDF of the book, click here.

This program describes the dynamics of domestic violence and spouse abuse, highlighting the context in which battering and domestic violence occur. The myths about domestic violence are explored, and guidance is given on assessing all those affected by such abuse. Therapeutic interventions are presented involving the batterer, the abused partner, the couple, and children exposed to domestic violence.

6 CE credits/hours, 60 questions

Target Audience

Psychologists | School Psychologists | Marriage & Family Therapists | Mental Health Counselors | Social Workers

Learning Level


Learning Objectives

  • Explain the context in which battering and domestic violence occur.
  • Discuss myths about domestic violence and intimate partner abuse.
  • Demonstrate how to assess: the abused partner, the batterer, the couple for violence, and children for the effects of domestic violence.
  • Summarize how to assess and treat the abused partner, the batterer, the couple, and the children exposed to domestic violence.


  1. 1
    • Statement of Understanding (downloadable/printable)

  2. 2
    • PDF Book (downloadable/printable)

  3. 3
    • Final Exam Questions (downloadable/printable)

    • Final Exam

  4. 4
    • Evaluation Questionnaire

About the Authors

Michele Harway, PhD, ABPP, & Marsali Hansen, PhD, ABPP

Michele Harway, PhD, ABPP, is on the Core Faculty at Antioch University, Santa Barbara, on the Consulting Faculty at the Fielding Graduate Institute, and in clinical practice in Westlake Village, California.  Dr. Harway is the author or editor of seven books in the areas of domestic violence, family psychology, and women's development.  She is a fellow of several American Psychological Association divisions and is board certified (ABPP) in family psychology.  Dr. Harway is a past president of the APA Division of Family Psychology and past treasurer of the Division on Men and Masculinity.Marsali Hansen, PhD, ABPP, is the Director of the Pennsylvania CASSP Training and Technical Assistance Institute, a statewide program for improving the clinical skills of professionals who work with children with mental health needs.  The Institute is part of Pennsylvania State University where she also teaches courses in the psychology department.  Dr. Hansen is a licensed psychologist and is board certified (ABPP) in family psychology.  She is author of numerous publications and presentations on family violence and children's mental health systems.