Course Description

Based on the material "The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence  Survey: 2015 Data Brief -- Updated Release (2018)" published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control and is in the public domain ( This CE program awards 2 credits upon successful completion of the 20-question test. It will present the participant with the four common  types of sexual violence and compare the prevalence in the four types of sexual violence among women and among men in the U.S. For more  information, go to:

2 domestic violence CE credits/hours, 20 questions

Target Audience

Psychologists | School Psychologists | Marriage & Family Therapists | Mental Health Counselors | Social Workers

Learning Level


Learning Objectives

  • Identify four common types of sexual violence.
  • Compare the prevalence in four types of sexual violence among women and among men in the U.S.

Course curriculum


  1. 1
    • Statement of Understanding (downloadable/printable)

  2. 2
    • PDF Reading Material (downloadable/printable)

  3. 3
    • Final Exam Questions (downloadable/printable)

    • Final Exam

  4. 4
    • Evaluation Questionnaire

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Injury Prevention and Control’s mission is to provide leadership in preventing and controlling injuries (i.e., reducing the incidence, severity, and adverse outcomes of injury).