Course Description

*This complete Online Course includes a PDF of the book, Issue Focused Forensic Child Custody Assessment, and the Final Exam. If you have access to the book and want to purchase the Final Exam only, click here.

This program presents an alternative to traditional comprehensive models of child custody assessment. The presenter explores the common models of custody assessment, the rationale for the issue focused evaluation, and provides a step-by-step guide to conducting a forensic evaluation that concentrates on the specific issues for which guardians ad litem and judges require guidance in dealing with conflicts over custody, joint parenting, and visitation.

4 CE credits/hours, 40 questions 

Target Audience

Psychologists | School Psychologists | Marriage & Family Therapists | Mental Health Counselors | Social Workers

Learning Level


Learning Objectives

  • Discuss common models of custody assessment.
  • Present the rationale for the issue focused forensic custody evaluation.
  • Explain a step-by-step guide to conducting an issue focused forensic evaluation.


  1. 1
    • Statement of Understanding (downloadable/printable)

  2. 2
    • PDF Book (downloadable/printable)

  3. 3
    • Final Exam Questions (downloadable/printable)

    • Final Exam

  4. 4
    • Evaluation Questionnaire

About the Author

Eric G. Mart, PhD, ABPP

Eric G. Mart, PhD, ABPP, is a forensic psychologist in private practice in Manchester, New Hampshire, and Boston, Massachusetts.  He is board certified in forensic psychology through the American Board of Professional Psychology and has testified in court cases throughout the United States and Canada.  He is licensed in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont, and is the President of the New Hampshire Psychological Association.  Dr. Mart is an internationally known expert on Munchausen's syndrome by proxy and is the author ofMunchausen's Syndrome by Proxy Reconsidered and Getting Started in Forensic Psychology Practice: How to Create a Forensic Specialty in Your Mental Health Practice.  He has published a number of articles on issues related to forensic psychology, including Munchausen's syndrome by proxy, competency, personal injury, custody, and ethical issues.  He has appeared on 20/20, Court TV, BBC Radio, National Public Radio, and local TV news programs, and is a frequent speaker at programs designed for legal and psychological professionals.