Course Description

*This complete Online Course includes a PDF of the book, Innovations in Clinical Practice: Focus on Groups, Couples, & Family Therapy, and the Final Exam. If you have access to the book and want to purchase the Final Exam only, click here.

This program examines assessment and intervention techniques when more than one person is therapeutically involved. Topics covered include: treating antisocial youth and families; group treatment for children and adolescents with eating disorders; using emotionally focused family therapy; group treatment with older adults; techniques for preventing relapse in couples therapy; providing solution-focused premarital counseling; conducting multiple family group treatment for persons with schizophrenia; using narrative family therapy; treating family, groups, and individuals in cases of neurological impairment; conducting group therapy in private practice; organizing groups for disaster preparedness and response; using the Suicidal Adult Assessment Protocol (SAAP); group treatment of addiction using a cultural transformation approach; group counseling with African American college women.

18 CE credits/hours, 180 questions

Target Audience

Psychologists | School Psychologists | Marriage & Family Therapists | Mental Health Counselors | Social Workers

Learning Level


Learning Objectives

  • Describe a suicidal assessment protocol for adults.
  • List specific types of group therapy, including 

                -  group treatments for children and adolescents with eating disorders,

                -  group therapy with older adults,

                -  multiple family group treatment for persons with schizophrenia,

                -  conducting group therapy in private practice,

                -  disaster preparedness and response groups, 

                -  group treatment of addictions, and

                -  group counseling with African-American women.

  • Explain specific approaches to family therapy, including

                -  treatment of antisocial youth and families, 

                -  emotionally focused family therapy, 

                -  narrative family therapy, and 

                -  family treatment for persons with neurological impairments.

  • Name specific types of couples counseling, including

                -  relapse prevention in couples therapy,

                -  solution-focused premarital counseling, and

                -  marital distress prevention programs.


  1. 1
    • Statement of Understanding (downloadable/printable)

  2. 2
    • PDF Book (downloadable/printable)

  3. 3
    • Final Exam Questions (downloadable/printable)

    • Final Exam

  4. 4
    • Evaluation Questionnaire

About the Editors

Leon VandeCreek, PhD, ABPP

Leon VandeCreek, PhD, ABPP, is a licensed psychologist who is the past dean and current professor in the School of Professional Psychology at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. He has been awarded the Diplomate in Clinical Psychology and he is a Fellow of several divisions of the American Psychological Association. His interests include professional training and ethical/legal issues related to professional education and practice. Dr. VandeCreek has served as President of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Chair of the APA Insurance Trust, Chair of the Board of Educational Affairs of the APA, and Treasurer of the Ohio Psychological Association. In 2005, he served as President of the Division of Psychotherapy of the APA. He has authored or coauthored about 150 professional presentations and publications, including 17 books. From 1992 to 2007, he served as Senior Editor of the Innovations in Clinical Practice: A Source Book series.

Jeffery B. Allen, PhD, ABPP-CN

Jeffery B. Allen, PhD, ABPP-CN, is a Professor in the School of Professional Psychology at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.  Dr. Allen's professional experience includes a specialty internship in neuropsychology at Brown University and a focused postdoctoral fellowship at the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan in Detroit.  Dr. Allen teaches physiological psychology and clinical neuropsychology, and does research in the areas of neurobehavioral disorders, quality of life in medical populations, cognitive and neuropsychological assessment, and outcome measurement in rehabilitation.  He is widely published in the areas of neuropsychology, head injuries, and memory in such sources as Neuropsychologia, Brain Injuries, and Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology and Assessment.  He is Board Certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology in Clinical Neuropsychology and has published the text, A General Practitioner's Guide to Neuropsychological Assessment, through the American Psychological Association.